Conference: Towards a New Economic History: Women and Antiquity
Towards a New Economic History: Women and Antiquity
Hacia una nueva economía histórica: mujeres y Antigüedad
The first conference of the international, cross-disciplinary network Engendering Ancient Economies (EAEN), took place from 14 to 16 November of 2023 in Carmona (Sevilla). This event was possible thanks to an awarded grant of the
Spanish Ministry of Equality. The Network and the Conference aim to bring women
to light as key players in ancient economies, and to promote gendered and
intersectional perspectives in the field of economic studies of pre-modern
Despite the rising impact in recent decades of gender studies in fields like Classics, Ancient History, Near-Eastern Studies, Egyptology and Archaeology, economics remains an area largely dominated by male actors, ancient and modern. The objectives of this foundational conference and of the EAEN network are to promote the study of the economic role of women in antiquity and the work of female historians interested in ancient economies, to generate a constructive debate about traditional male perspectives in economic history, to denounce gender discriminatory practices, to propose inclusive and fairer practices in academia, to propose and promote new gender perspectives in studies of economic history and economic theory, and to support research students and early careers interested in gender and pre-modern economies. Our network welcomes research students, early-career, and established researchers around the world.
Conference Programme:
Towards a new economic history:
women and Antiquity / Hacia una nueva economía histórica: mujeres y Antigüedad
Sede universitaria Olavide en Carmona,
14-16 noviembre 2023
9.00 Presentación y recepción por la decana / Welcome and Dean’s reception
9.10. Introducción teórica / Introduction: Marta García Morcillo (Durham University)
9.30. Keynote lecture 1 + debate: Manuela Martini (Université Lumière Lyon 2), Women at work between dependance and autonomy in Mediterranean Europe during the modern period
10.30 Café / Coffee break
11.00 Sesión 1 (15 minutos + 5 minutos debate)
11-11.20 Claire Holleran (Exeter University), Female poverty in the Roman world
Aída Fernández Prieto (Manchester Metropolitan University), Penía tiene nombre de mujer: Economía
antigua y feminización de la pobreza en la Grecia arcaica y clásica
Sofia Piacentin (Università di Verona), The economics of domestic
violence in the Roman world.
12-12.20. Elena Duce Pastor (Universidad Aut'onoma de Madrid), La(s) epiclera(s) en Atenas: ¿independencia o vulnerabilidad?
12.20-12.40 Julietta Steinhauer (University College
London) Priestesshoods, Prices and the
Polis: the economics of buying a priestesshood in Hellenistic Greece
1.00 Comida / Lunch
3.00 Sesión 2:
3-3.20 Saskia Roselaar (independent scholar), Women and economic institutions in the Roman
3.20-3.40 Marta
Lorenzon (University of Helsinki), Women, craft
specialisation and architecture in the Ancient Mediterranean and MENA
3.40-4.00 Cristina
Soraci (Università
degli studi di Catania), The ius
Italicum of Claudia Paula (online)
4-4.20 Giulia Vettori (Università degli Studi di Trento), Not only insignia feminarum. Reconsidering
elite women's wealth (online)
4.30 Café / Coffee break
5.00-6.00 Sesión 3:
5.00-5.20 Virginia Campbell (The
Open University), Bars, Sex, and
Women in the Economy of Pompeii
5.20-5.40 Gabriela de Tord Basterra (Universidad de Zaragoza – Universidad de
Barcelona) & Javier Herrera Rando (Universidad de Lisboa), Mujer
indígena y economía a través de las fuentes epigráficas (ss. III-I a.E.)
Leire Lizarzategui Elu (Universidad del País Vasco), Prestamistas
e intermediadoras. Agencia e influencia económica de las mujeres más ricas de
Roma (ss. II-I a.C.).
9.30. Keynote lecture 1 + debate: Laurence Fontaine (École des hautes études en sciences sociales), Fighting poverty: women's capacity for economic action in 18th century Europe
10.30 Café / Coffee break
11.00 Sesión 1 (15 minutos + 5 minutos debate)
11-11.20 Miriam Groen-Vallinga (Radboud Universiteit), Gendered
invisibility of enslaved labour
11.20-11.40 Candace
Rice (Brown University), Rethinking Rural
Prosperity: Economy and Quality of Life in Roman Agrarian Communities
11.40-12.00 Cristina Rosillo-López (Universidad Pablo
de Olavide), Did Roman women pay taxes during the Republic?
12-12.20 Marguerite Ronin (CNRS), No landlady in Roman law? Or how to write a book in gender-neutral
12.20-12.40 Carmen Alarcón
(Universidad Pablo de Olavide), Mujeres, oficios y actividad económica en el Occidente imperial romano
durante el Principado
1.00 Comida / Lunch
3.00 Sesión 2
3-3.20 Anne Ridgway, Spinning Stories
about Women on the Wall
3.20-3.40 Simona Perna (Institut Català d'Arqueologia
Clàssica), Made for women, made by women? Gender and the economics of ancient stone
carving. The case of Greek marble pyxides and other vases
3.40-4.00 Manel García Sánchez & Víctor Revilla Calvo (Universitat de
Barcelona), más allá de la
labor matronalis: ἔργα γυναικῶν y virilia officia. las mujeres y las ánforas en grecia y roma
4-4.20 Iulia Dumitrache (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of
Iasi) & Rada Varga (Babes
Bolyai University), Women and the „Fishy Bussiness” in Roman
5.00-6.30 Café / coffee break & mentoring session
Varona Rubio (Università di Perugia / Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica), The
other Cyntiae: rediscovering women in the cities of the Umbra Valley. A
microhistorical survey from the Roman inscriptions of Assisi.
Goizane Urrutia (Universidad del País Vasco), P. Oxy. II 350 = SB XVI 12760. A Female Livestock Farmer
Laura Fontana (Università degli Studi di Milano), Le donne in provincia: interessi economici e modalità d’azione
nell’Oriente greco
Marianela Spicoli (Universidad Nacional de la Plata/Vrije Universiteit Brussels), The vilica as a domestic worker
Victoria Gleich (Universität Potsdam), Gender and Corruption in Ancient Greece
Silvia Lacorte (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
9.00 Conference dinner
9.30. Debate with Claire Taylor (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and respondents, Women, gender, and the ancient economy: towards a feminist economic history of the ancient Greek world
10.30 Café / Coffee break
11.00 Sesión 1
Droß-Krüpe (Ruhr-Universität Bochum / Universität Kassel), Aurelia Libouke, the weaver, Thenapunchis,
the door-keeper, and Isidora, the castanet dancer. Female labour in Roman Egypt according to papyrological sources
11.20-11.40 Lucia Rossi (MCF Université Paris-1 Panthéon Sorbonne), Eirênê la Macédonienne et la terre.
Propriété, gestion et investissements lucratifs à Philadelphie au IIe s. av.
Rosario Moreno Soldevila (Universidad Pablo de Olavide), Women as patrons of the arts
Steffi Grundmann (Universität Wuppertal), Practising
Wool-Work In The Roman Empire. Ancient Economies Beyond Christian Norms And
Modern Bourgeois Ideals
12.30-2 Network meeting Engendering
Ancient Economies
Lunch /Comida
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