Network members: Simona Perna

 Simona Perna

Archaeology of production and cognitive archaeology applied to Classical decorative stone and marble artifacts are the pivot of my line of research; however, my interests include gender studies and material religion in the Greaco-Roman world. I am a Research Associate at the Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC) within the Arqueometria i Produccions Artístiques (ArPA) research group and assistant lecturer at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili - Tarragona, where I teach  Archaeology of Religion and Funerary Practices. I am currently disseminating the results of my 2-year project ‘TECHNET’ (H2020-MSCA-IF-2019: 895286) on technological innovation and knowledge transfer in the production of stone vases in the Graeco-Roman period. I am the PI of the 'Grevena Archaeological Project: the marblefinds' and coordinator of the excavation of a villa rustica at Arsalia (Agios Georgios, Grevena, Northern Macedonia Greece) within the Archaeological Program promoted by the Eforia of Antiquities Grevena. I am also a research collaborator in two projects (I+D) at ICAC and UAB funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation on the workshops, production and consumption of  marble artefacts in Roman Spain. My research output from the last 10 years has greatly advanced the understanding of key, yet overlooked, technical and socio-cultural characteristics of non-decorative stone sculpture in the Greek and Roman worlds by creating new spaces of knowledge in the field. Link to profile


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