Network Members: Miriam Groen-Vallinga
Miriam Groen-Vallinga
Based at Radboud University Nijmegen as an assistant
professor, Miriam’s research aims to bring into focus those Romans who are less
well represented in our source material, contributing to a comprehensive
approach of the ancient population by means of a more integrative analysis of
the ancient evidence. Her book, Work and labour in the cities of Roman Italy
(LUP 2022), presents an inclusive discussion of the working population starting
from funerary epigraphy. The book illustrates, among other things, how the
unremunerated contributions of women and children and the role of labour market
segmentation along gendered lines are important to our understanding of the
urban economy. In her current research she focuses more on the materiality and
lived reality of slavery and its afterlife, which in Roman society had a
noticeably economic component, and where enslaved or formerly enslaved women in
particular suffered a double marginality.
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