Network Members: Victoria Gleich

 Victoria Gleich

Victoria Gleich is a PhD student at the University of Potsdam in the DFG/AHRC collaborative project "Twisted Transfers: Discursive Constructions of Corruption in Ancient Greece and Rome". Her PhD project “Gendered Twisted Gifts in Greek Antiquity” examines discourses on Twisted Transfers (corruption) in a gendered pattern. At the centre of her project is a specific category of Twisted Transfers, that of “false gifts”. False gifts stretch throughout most fields of social life, as they can be transferred for example in the context of bribery and embezzlement, but also as a dowry or in the context of prostitution, and can assume a huge variety of material forms. Women appear in this context and in the relative discourses not only as actors of the exchanges (both as givers and receivers) but also as objects of the transfer. The overall aim of the project is to show to what extent male and female corruption (gr. diaphtheiro) differ or are similar to each other in ancient Greek mentality and norms.


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