Network Members: Sofia Piacentin
Sofia Piacentin
Sofia studied Classics (BA 2010) and
Archaeology (MA 2011) with a focus on Latin epigraphy at the University of
Verona. In 2017 she was awarded a PhD in Ancient History at King’s College
London on confiscations of individual property, public sales and fines in the
Roman Republic. She was then appointed Teaching Fellow in Roman History in the
same university where she delivered lectures and seminars on a wide range of
different topics. She also volunteered at the Naukratis Project (2012), in the
Greece and Rome Department of the British Museum and at the National Gallery
(2016), for the digitisation of the Thos. Agnew & Sons Archive. Her
research and interests focus on Roman social and economic history, including
the definition of private property and the role of patrimonial sanctions from
the Republican age up to the Principate. On the topic she has recently
published the monograph Financial penalties in the Roman Republic: a study of
confiscations of individual property, public sales, and fines (509-58 BC). Mnemosyne Supplement, 447. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2021. In
October 2018 she joined the ERC project PATRIMONIVM, based at the Université
Bordeaux Montaigne, where she was in charge of surveying and researching
imperial properties in Gaul, Germany and Britain. As part of the Italian
reverse brain drain programme "Rita Levi Montalcini", in June 2023
she will join the University of Verona as senior researcher (ricercatrice
RTD-B) with a project on domestic violence in the Roman world.
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