Network Members: Stefania Gialdroni
Stefania Gialdroni
Gialdroni is Full Professor of Medieval and Modern Legal History at the
Department of Private Law and Critical Legal Studies of the University of Padua
(DPCD). She is the PI of the ERC CoG20 MICOLL (,
which analyses the issue of the medieval lex mercatoria through the lens of
historical linguistics, and of the FARE 2020 grant (MUR) IUSTITIAM, about the
iconography of mercantile justice in Europe. She studied Law at the RomaTre
University (2003, JD equivalent) and obtained a PhD “en-cotutelle” from the
University of Milano-Bicocca and the EHESS in Paris (2009). As a PhD student,
she attended the Research School of the
MPIER in Frankfurt a. M., the LSE in London and the EHESS in Paris. She was
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Palermo and the University
of Helsinki and then Temporary Research Fellow at the RomaTre University Law
Department. Her main research interests concern the history of commercial law
and the relationship between law and visual arts.
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